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Sacral Chakra

This Chakra supports balance in relationships, a healthy sense of identity, creativity, 
financial security, and the ability to satisfy personal and physical needs.
Svadhisthana symbol

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When this Chakra is balanced we have a strong personal identity and personal boundaries. 

We are able to recover from crises and losses. 

We foster a loving relationship with our partner and ourselves.  

We show good decision making.


EM Spectrum: Orange

Element: Water

Note: “D”  Vowel: oo (as in “do”)

6 petals  - Svadhisthana - Sweetness


Gemstones: Citrine, Bloodstone, Red Garnet, Zoisite with Ruby, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Ruby, Red Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Red Agate.


Essential Oils & Herbs: Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, Neroli, Rose, Geranium, Orange, Sandalwood.


Body/Organs: Sexual Organs, Large Intestines, Lower Spine, Pelvis, Appendix, Bladder, Sacrum, Hips


Chakra Issues: Lower Back Pain, OBGYN Issues, Sexual Potency, Urinary Issues, Arthritis, Prostate or Ovarian Issues, Menopause, Blame/ Guilt/Money/Sex Issues, Power/Control, No creativity,

Lacking Honor in Relationships.

Stones are manifestations of our planet's creative nature. 

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