We met over a decade ago and one of the many magical synchronicities we discovered during our first encounter was our love for unique beautiful gemstones and jewelry. Truth be told, it was Gregory's shiny silver jewelry and gemstone bracelets, that first caught my eye in the airport. After a brief encounter before boarding the airplane, a quick nod to each other on our first flight, and a four hour layover in Chicago, it was finally the airlines who called me up and moved me across the aisle from this beautiful man. We talked all the way home and somewhere in the skies I knew immediately that I had met HIM.

Greg's mother was academically and personally obsessed with gemstones and must have unwittingly infected him with her gemstone mania. My mom has made sacred (energy) objects with stones for many years—we treasure many of her creations.
Gregory had been making “friendship bracelets” for several years before we met. It was his constant practice to make gifts of them to old friends and new ones. I also made jewelry as gifts for family and friends for many years. The decision to begin selling our jewelry came several years ago. In addition to beauty and skill, we infuse joy and creativity into our pieces. One of our favorite activities is to sit in our studio—walled on three sides by windows and assemble crystal, stone and metal into art for the wearing.
We have tremendous respect for the energy of the materials we use. We enjoy gathering unique beautiful gemstones for our jewelry (bracelet, earrings, necklaces) that can serve physical, psychological and spiritual needs for the wearer.
We are happy to make special pieces for weddings or other ceremonies or maybe something to match an outfit or an occasion. We have created our Chakra line to incorporate specific gemstones for each of the different Chakra centers.
As well as working with stones Gregory J. Shepherd is a writer and professor of World Languages at Kean University and Kristie Dale Sanders is a Broadway Actress.
To Heal with Heart.
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